Holiday Concert Program Ads
The Annual Holiday Concert is a magical evening of music and festivities that serve as a perfect kick-off to the holiday season. The concert is usually filmed by HCRHS TV and may be shown on your cable provider’s local educational access channel throughout the year.
This year’s Scholarship concert will take place on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 and will feature:
Musical Performances by the Symphonic Full Orchestra, Advanced Full Orchestra, Symphonic Percussion, and Wind Symphony Percussion.
Snacks, baked goods, beverages and other concession items
A concert program, including paid ads from our supporters
All proceeds from the event help to fund the scholarships that the OPG awards each year to HCRHS graduating seniors who have shown commitment, talent and leadership in the instrumental music programs throughout their high school careers.
* NOTE: The Concert Program will be handed out for both the November 27th Freshman Concert and the November 28th Scholarship Concert. Tickets only need to be purchased for the November 28th Scholarship Concert.
Selling Ads to Local Businesses:
Download and make copies of the Program Ad & Booster Order Form (found below) to sell program ads to local businesses. The local community has always been a strong supporter of HCRHS programs.
For each ad you sell, your student account will be credited with 50% of the ad fee. For example, if you sell a full page ad for $75, your student account will be credited $37.50. The other $37.50 will be credited to the HCRHS OPG scholarship fund. Full instructions can be found on the Ad form. If you have questions please contact Ben Witherell,
Purchase and Sell Personal Boosters:
Download and make copies of the Program Ad & Booster Order Form (found below) to sell message space from friends and family members. Boosters are a great way to support your student musician and wish them luck on their performance, especially if this is their first high school concert event! Using the second form in this packet you can purchase Full, Half and Business Card sized “personal” ads to acknowledge your child’s performance. You can also have personal messages printed in the program for a small fee per line.
For the sale of a full or half page booster, your student account will be credited with 50% of the ad fee. Business card size and messages will not receive student credit.
Last Day Program Business Ads accepted - Thursday, November 15, 2018.
Last Day Program Boosters accepted - Thursday, November 15th,2018.
Please make copies of the attached order forms to complete your orders and submit along with the required attachments and Tally Sheet to your child’s music teacher.
There is no guarantee your ads or boosters will be included in the program if the order form, full payment and copy information/artwork are received AFTER the dates specified above.