Private lessons available at HCRHS
Post date: Aug 22, 2011 11:57:44 PM
Also note, if you are already studying privately, and are pleased with your current instructor, you should continue that relationship. We know that there are many outstanding teachers in the area.
Please keep in mind that the ability to bring teachers of specific instruments to HCHRS will depend on the number of students that sign up for those individual instruments. ECMA cannot guarantee lessons on every instrument.
The Eastern Conservatory of Music and Arts (ECMA), a non-profit music studio specializing in private music instruction, will offer private lessons during the Fall Semester here at the HCRHS Music Department. Lessons are held on a weekly basis during after-school hours and are available for piano, voice, guitar, and most band and orchestral instruments. Private lessons greatly enhance your child's musical education and are strongly encouraged.
The music staff at Hunterdon Central fully supports the ECMA program. The fact that they are offered on the HCRHS Campus is an added bonus and convenience for many families. We hope you will consider supplementing your Hunterdon Central music education with private lessons from the Eastern Conservatory of Music and Arts. Brochures are available in the Music Room, from any of the faculty. You can also visit their website or contact Casey Bork, ECMA Director at 908-429-9979 if you have specific questions.