Registration Open for Disney Trip 2015
Post date: Aug 15, 2014 4:36:10 PM
In recent years, the HCRHS music program has organized a performance trip, typically one every two years, alternating between a Walt Disney World trip and and a European trip.
The Hunterdon Central Orchestra and Marching Red Devils will travel to Orlando, Florida during Spring Break to perform at the Walt Disney World Resort. This trip will include a performance for both ensembles, as well as one workshop for each student - not to mention a wonderful time in the theme parks and resort areas.
This is an optional trip. Ensembles that will be participating are the String Orchestra classes, the Wind Symphony Classes, and the Marching Band.
The trip will take place from Fri., March 27 until Wed., April 1 and will include flight, hotel stays (Disney's All Star Music Resort - 4 students to a room), most meals and admission into the Walt Disney World Resort Theme Parks and Universal Studios Theme Parks. Students will be missing part or all of school on March 27th.
The registration flyer from the travel company is below. Fill it out and send it to World Class Vacations, and they will send you a link to an online payment site. Current students can use money from fundraising to help offset the cost of the trip. The first payment was due no later than October 3. The second payment is due by Dec. 5. The final payment is due by Jan. 9.
There will be a mandatory trip meeting announced for November.
♪ Disney Trip Registration Form (front only; see email for full itinerary)