Holiday Concert
Post date: Nov 19, 2012 12:41:40 AM
Our primary scholarship fundraiser, The Holiday Concert, will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012.
Our goal is to raise $2000.00 that evening. It is an attainable goal but it does require many volunteers.
The following areas are where we still need help. It is a lot of fun and you are never without support.
· Advertising Coordinator – Place free ads in local papers/TV stations
· Volunteer to type one-line boosters and forward to program coordinator
· Volunteer to secure donation of 1 dozen poinsettias
· Volunteers to help decorate the night of the concert
· Volunteer to coordinate the donations for the tricky tray raffle
· Donations for the tricky tray raffle.
Much of the revenue is made from the Program Ad Sale which is ongoing, please try to sell an ad or purchase a parent booster.
The groups performing that night are the Freshman String Orchestra, Freshman Concert Band, Pit Orchestra and Percussion Class, but we welcome volunteers from all instrumental classes even those advanced classes that meet in the Spring.
We cannot do this without your help and many hands make for light work.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Monika,, or Kathy,