OPG Scholarship Information
How and When to Apply -
All HCRHS seniors who are enrolled in a 5 credit instrumental music class their senior year and whose parents/guardians are members of the OPG are eligible to apply for the Orchestra Parent Group (OPG) scholarship.
The application will be accessed on Hunterdon Central's Local Scholarship Webpage:
The College Guidance office typically opens the Local Scholarship page in February each year. Students have approximately five weeks to apply for local scholarships. They are notified that the Scholarship Page is open via the HCRHS College Guidance Office. Senior parents are also notified via Senior Class list serv.
Students can also login to their Naviance accounts and view the home screen for local scholarship details and instructions. All necessary materials can be found in the "document library," which is located on the right side of the home screen.
2015 Scholarship Recipients
In 2015, the OPG was proud to award the five members of the Class of 2015, with $500.00 scholarships to be used towards their post graduate studies. Congratulations to:
Michael Cannizzaro
Dominique DeSeta
Owen France
Alexandra Sakellos
James Vorwick
In addition the three students were recognized by the music directors for their exceptional performance with $500.00 OPG Music Achievement Awards. Congratulations to:
Daniel Wang - National School Orchestra Award
Alyson Sandler - John Philip Sousa Award
Evan Wright - Outstanding Musician Award